Monday 13 August 2018

8 Things You're Not Doing After Sex That You Should Be

There’s a lot of literature out there about what to do before having sex and what to do during sex. (And we mean a lot of literature.) And hopefully, all of this advice has given you more confidence in approaching and executing the horizontal mambo.

But once the dance is over and you’ve both taken your final bow, it can get a little bit awkward. In movies or porn, you often see couples lying in bed after sex, their chests heaving in sweaty ecstasy, before cutting to the next scene. But there are a lot of other details to consider after sex that can make or break a successful sexual encounter.

30 Foods You Didn't Know Could Kill You

Turns out, there are plenty of dangerous things in your kitchen, and many foods that often taste delicious can post a threat to your health if you're not careful. Do a sweep of your fridge and pantry for these items to ensure safe eating.

Not every mushroom is created equal. Crimini mushrooms might make perfect pasta toppers, but some species contain poisons that can kill.

4 Male Breast Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

When we talk about breast cancer, we rarely talk about the men who are diagnosed with the condition. So often, we assume breast cancer is exclusively a women's disease, says Dr. Kristen Fernandez, medical director of the breast center at the MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center in Maryland.

"Men think they don’t have breast tissue, but they do," she explains to