Showing posts with label Ways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ways. Show all posts

Sunday 11 November 2018

4 Ways to Increase Brain Power that May Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

If you were taught that you’re born with all the brain cells you’ll ever get and it’s all downhill from there, it’s time for a rethink. Mounting research suggests you can improve your brain no matter what your age, making it stronger now and protecting it for the long term.

In fact, while surveys have found that 60 percent of Americans consider Alzheimer’s disease a natural part of getting older, scientists say the opposite. “We’re finally able to use the terms ‘Alzheimer’s disease’ and ‘prevention’ in the same sentence,” says Richard Isaacson, MD, director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medicine. And the same may be true for other forms of cognitive decline.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

15 Ways to Be More Attractive, According to Science

OK, here's the truth: Not all men are born with good looks and charm. In fact, lots of guys are born with neither. But does that mean you're fated to spend your life alone in your apartment, with only Netflix and your dog to keep you company? Absolutely not.

The truth is that while looks do matter to men and women alike, it's far from the most important thing when it comes to finding a partner. The science of sexual attraction is a complex one that involves multiple different factors, from the way you smell to the shape of your jaw to even the color of the shirt you're wearing.

Friday 1 April 2016

8 Ways to Flirt Without Saying a Single Word

Long before you say hello, you can silently seduce the woman across the bar.

It’s all about tweaking your body language, says Joel Wade, Ph.D., a psychology professor at Bucknell University. Check out the most effective nonverbal pickup cues.

1. Spread Out
Sit at a table with one arm draped over a nearby chair, or lean at the bar with your arms spread apart.

Both moves convey control of personal and physical space, Wade’s research finds. Women interpret this as a sign of dominance—a key trait for boosting your attractiveness, he says.

2. Open Up
Men who don’t cross their arms are seen as more attractive, active, and persuasive, finds a study in Evolution and Human Behavior.

Friday 11 March 2016

3 Ways to Avoid a Same-Day Hangover

Ernest Hemingway summed up the daytime drinking slump the best: Death in the Afternoon. Which, fittingly, became the name for his infamous cocktail of absinthe and champagne, and questionable hangover cure.

We can’t recommend making a Hemingway cocktail to fix your head, but we can help you with holding off the mid-day crash that comes long before last call.

It turns out the key to avoiding premature hangovers isn’t found inside a glass at all—it’s the glass itself.

Saturday 15 August 2015

4 Ways to Burn More Fat

Strength training is the gift that keeps giving. You burn calories during your workout. You also burn them for hours afterwards. The harder you work, all else being equal, the more you should burn both during and after.

But there’s a catch: The most advanced lifters don’t get much of a post-workout metabolic boost, which scientists call EPOC, short for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. A recent study at Florida State University recruited a group of experienced lifters and had them do two different workouts. (All the lifters did both workouts, with at least one week in between.) Both workouts included the same four exercises using fairly heavy weights—85 percent of their one-rep max. But one workout included twice as many sets as the other.

4 Ways to See Your Doctor Faster

When a mystery ailment pops up but it isn’t serious enough to warrant a trip to the urgent-care clinic or ER, you’d still like to get it checked out soon. The only problem: Your doctor’s a busy guy.

On average, you’ll need to wait 19.5 days to see a family doctor, says a recent survey by healthcare company Merritt Hawkins.

Special appointments are even worse. The delay for dermatology, for example, is 28.8 days.

There’s no magic word that will make other patients’ appointments vanish off the calendar, but you have more scheduling power than you think. Use these tactics to make sure you get seen as soon as possible.

Saturday 11 April 2015

5 Easy Ways to Make Her Horny

As a guy, you’re probably the one who initiates sex in your relationship. It’s not that your girlfriend isn’t in the mood, or doesn’t want as much sex as you do—you’re just the one who rings the dinner bell 99.9 percent of the time.

Why is that? “This comes from many things, but one of them is that women are afraid that if they step out of traditional gender roles, they won’t be seen, accepted, and appreciated as feminine being,” says psychologist and relationship expert Tracy Thomas, Ph.D. “It also becomes another area where she could potentially fail, and be rejected—and most women are terrified of being rejected.”

But you can fix this, Thomas says, by creating an atmosphere in which she doesn’t feel like she needs to be perfect. “You want to get her in the mood—make her horny—but what does that mean?” Thomas says. “What you really want is to make her feel like it’s safe for her to let go, like she can surrender to her sexual desires.”

Sunday 15 February 2015

6 Ways You Kill Her Orgasm

She’s right on the edge of ecstasy, and then you do something dumb in bed that derails her pleasure, throws her off her game, and ruins the rest of the night. Some maneuvers may seem innocuous, but they actually distract her from her ultimate endgame: achieving orgasm. Avoid these six sex moves at all costs.

(And while you're at it, look out for the 5 Signs You Might Be Bad in Bed—and discover how to change both of your sex lives for the better.)

Friday 13 June 2014

26 Ways to Feed Your Body for Results

Sports nutrition is easy, if you're a cartoon character. Take Popeye: The gravel-voiced sailorman would down a can of spinach, and next thing he knew he was shot-putting a bowling ball into the stratosphere. Try that at home and the only thing you'll be heaving is the spinach.

"No specific food will make you faster or stronger tomorrow," says Lonnie Lowery, R.D., Ph.D., an exercise and nutrition scientist at Winona State University, in Minnesota. Instead, whatever your goal—packing on muscle, going the distance, or losing that gut—you have to think long-term. "Sports nutrition is all about many factors adding up over time." In other words, think marathon, not sprint.

So even though there's nothing that will make you an instant athlete (or substitute for that last set of reps), the right foods and drinks can help you work harder, train longer, and look better. Good nutrition supports good workouts, and good workouts make the most of good nutrition. We've rounded up the latest research to help you fuel the body you have—and create the body you want. All you need is enough strength to twist a lid, tear a pouch, and, yes, open a can.

Saturday 15 March 2014

9 Surprising Ways to Whiter Teeth

A bright smile  not only looks great, it could improve your chances at landing a girlfriend. According to a recent study by, 71 percent of women say that they judge a man based on his teeth. Translation: Having a brilliant smile will actually help you be more attractive to women. “A smile can be very inviting—having a whiter smile is engaging and exciting," says Beverly Hills-based dentist Arthur Glosman.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

12 Weird Ways to Halt Hunger

Nothing derails your diet quicker than a sudden hankering for a junky snack. You know you'll eat dinner in an hour, but your taste buds don't care--they want those office cookies and they want them now! But you don't have to feel powerless over your junk-food cravings. These inventive--and OK, a little weird--tactics from The 8-Hour Diet can help keep your inner Cookie Monster in check and stop you from binge eating.

Friday 17 January 2014

5 Ways to Stop Feeling so Hungry

Hunger pangs suck, especially when you're trying to lose weight or just inhaled a huge lunch and are inexplicably starving again. But reaching for seconds isn't always the solution. Here are five scientifically proven ways to keep your stomach full, without resorting to that old "eating 12 almonds" trick.

4 ways to get back on the fitness track

Now that you want to get back on the fitness track in order to get rid of the holiday pounds, where do you start?
The answer for weight loss will always and forever be cardio. While not all cardio is created equal, there IS a cardio routine for everyone.
Here are a few fun ways to shed the pounds:

Sunday 5 January 2014

7 Surprising Ways You're Ruining Your Teeth

By Karen Springen
You only get one set of choppers, and repair costs more than prevention. So be kind to your teeth. Here are some mistakes you may not know you're making.
1. Brushing Too Hard
"If you brush too vigorously, you can wear away at your enamel and cause sensitivity and even gum recession," says dentist Nuntiya Kakanantadilok, director of the division of pediatric dentistry at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. Buy a brush with soft bristles and move it in small circles, not side to side, she says.