Showing posts with label Fight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fight. Show all posts

Sunday 12 April 2015

4 Steps to Resolve Any Fight with Her (and Get Straight to the Makeup Sex)

It’s not shared hobbies or amazing sex that make a relationship great—although those don’t hurt.

It’s how you and your partner fight, says Wendy Walsh, Ph.D., founder of relationship resource site

“Conflict is normal,” Walsh says. If you can resolve spats before they turn into blowups, the friction can bring the two of you closer together rather than tear you apart.

Plus, sparring could save your life: A recent University of Michigan study finds that spouses who suppress their anger die earlier than those who argue regularly.

Here’s your plan to defuse any fight and get straight to the fun part: makeup sex.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Fight Insomnia and Cancer at Once!

Turn in early
  to turn cancer away. Men with higher melatonin levels—a hormone involved in regulating your sleep-wake cycle—had a 75 percent lower risk of advanced prostate cancer compared to guys with lower levels, according to a new study from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

6 Tricks to Fight Post-Holiday Fatigue

After weeks of sipping eggnog and relaxing with family, the holidays are finally over and it's back to your normal routine. Yet, rather than stepping into high gear, you may find yourself feeling less than energized. Could it be all that holiday turkey still weighing you down, unwinding from family time or is it post-holiday fatigue?
"After any big event -- a vacation, a wedding or the holidays -- there can be a lull after," says New York-based clinical psychologist, Linda Smith. Here, she shares her tips on fighting post-holiday fatigue: