Saturday 15 August 2015

4 Ways to See Your Doctor Faster

When a mystery ailment pops up but it isn’t serious enough to warrant a trip to the urgent-care clinic or ER, you’d still like to get it checked out soon. The only problem: Your doctor’s a busy guy.

On average, you’ll need to wait 19.5 days to see a family doctor, says a recent survey by healthcare company Merritt Hawkins.

Special appointments are even worse. The delay for dermatology, for example, is 28.8 days.

There’s no magic word that will make other patients’ appointments vanish off the calendar, but you have more scheduling power than you think. Use these tactics to make sure you get seen as soon as possible.

1. Have a Primary Care Doctor
If you already have a regular physician, you can skip this step. But if you don’t have a go-to GP, then find one now and schedule an appointment while you’re well.

The reason: New patients are generally required to have a longer appointment for their first visit. As a result, there are fewer available windows to squeeze you in, says Matthew Davis, M.D., M.A.P.P., associate director of the Michigan Institute for Clinical Health Research.

You don’t want that obstacle when you actually need an appointment. If you think it’s a pain to be proactive, just imagine how much of a pain it is to have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment when you really need it.

2. Wait a Little Longer
Instead of calling your doctor as soon as his office opens, hold off for a couple hours, says Mary Seyfried, a certified medical assistant and medical receptionist in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

If he starts seeing patients at 8 a.m., calling at 10 will allow the early-morning madness to pass, and you’ll receive more attention. The delay also gives receptionists time to check voice mail and learn of canceled visits—same-day appointments you can take, says Seyfried.

3. Make It Personal
You never know who will pick up the phone when you call. It might be an administrator or a staffer with medical experience, says Dr. Davis, but that doesn’t mean you can’t request to speak with someone else.

Is there a nurse or assistant with whom you’re well-acquainted? Ask first if they’re available. He or she will be more likely to better understand your ailment and more willing to help prioritize your scheduling, Seyfried says.

If they’re not around, schedule the soonest appointment anyway, so you’re at least on the calendar. Ask that your contact calls you back before the end of the day.

But before you hang up, get the name of the person you’re talking to, and say that you’ll be waiting by the phone. This shows you’re serious, Seyfried says, but it also makes that person directly accountable for relaying your message.

4. Join This List
At your next regular check-up, ask if your physician utilizes a cancellation list to notify patients when appointments become available. Getting your name on this list is a great way to swoop in and steal a coveted slot, says Men’s Health dermatology advisor Adnan Nasir, M.D.

This also shows the office you’re willing to take any slot, and that you’re serious about being seen, says Seyfried.
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