Friday 10 June 2016

Why It’s Normal For Happily Married Men to Fantasize About Divorcing Their Wives

It pops up from time to time: The thought of divorcing your wife even though you’re happy with her.

So if you’re still satisfied with your wife, why do you fantasize about untying the knot?

It’s a normal reaction, and often times occurs because something other than the relationship is causing strain, like your job or financial situation, says Jared DeFife, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and relationship therapist in Atlanta.

On an unconscious level, you may be conflating your marriage with those problems because she personifies the stressful responsibilities in your life: Ditch her, and you ditch them.

But even though this is only happening inside your mind, it can eventually result in actual marital discord.

It may cause you to disconnect from your partner instead of asking her for help, DeFife says.

Your move, then, is simple: Reach out to her for help, and let her know the stresses that you’re feeling.

And in the meantime, take the fuel out of the fantasy by letting it play out all the way in your head.

Imagine the two of you actually split up, but everything else in your life stays the same—the jerk boss, the tanking investments, etc.

Things still suck, right? Except you just closed the psychological escape hatch, so now you’d have to deal with them alone.
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