Wednesday 29 January 2014

Are Back Squats Safe?

The barbell back
  squat has been called the king of all exercises. When done correctly, it is tremendous for building strength and muscle. Which is why it’s been a mainstay in athletic training for decades.
But back in 2009, world-renowned strength coach and Men’s Health training advisor Mike Boyle said that he no longer prescribed the classic barbell squat.
Bodybuilders, powerlifters, and personal trainers on Internet forums everywhere went into a frenzy, posting comments such as “Sounds like Mike Boyle is incapable of teaching the squat” and “He doesn’t look very strong.”

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Why She's Not Reaching Orgasm

Can’t get her
  off? Perhaps it’s more than lack of foreplay. 

Women with introverted personalities are more likely to experience problems in the bedroom than outgoing ladies, according to research published in the journal Sexual Medicine. In fact, more reticent respondents were also less open to new experiences. 

If your girlfriend leans more towards the quiet side, don’t worry: Providing her with emotional support can make her more satisfied with her sex life—and make it easier for her to climax, says study author Christina Crisp, M.D. 

What You Can Learn from Your Sweat

Your sweat signals
  more than the intensity of your workout. Everything from your mood to your diet—and even the way women react to your presence—is literally leaking from your body, according to a slew of recent research. Surprised perspiration can say so much? Here are four secrets your sweat may reveal:

Friday 24 January 2014

Is Adding Butter to Your Coffee Actually Good For You?

Forget the cream and sugar. Adding a pat of butter to your morning coffee can help you kick your day into overdrive—at least, according to advocates of the Bulletproof Coffee trend. 
Bulletproof Coffee, which is basically just a cup of black coffee with grass-fed butter and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil mixed in, was designed by Dave Asprey, owner of Bulletproof Executive, to "supercharge your brain function and create effortless fat loss with no cravings." Now, Paleo dieters and grass-fed butter fanatics alike are adding the butter-and-oil combo to their javas. Matt Lauer has even taste-tested a steaming-hot mug of butter coffee on The TODAY Show. 

The Breakfast That Keeps You Fuller Longer

At this point, you probably know that it’s a really good idea to eat breakfast—it not only stokes your metabolism, but it also sets the tone for healthy eating throughout the day. And now, a new study from the journal Appetitefound that there’s a specific breakfast ingredient that may help curb hunger all day long: oat bran.

Does Cycling Actually Make Your Thighs Bulky?

The fastest way to a slimmer body isn’t via indoor cycling, according to celeb trainer Tracy Anderson, who recently told Redbook magazine that exercisers who only cycle wind up with bulkier thighs.

“Spin may burn calories in the short term, but if that's all you're doing, it'll bulk up your thighs,” said Anderson, who is Gwyneth Paltrow’s trainer and business partner. “I have women who come into my office after spinning exclusively for six months, wondering why they can’t fit into their jeans.”

Tuesday 21 January 2014

12 Weird Ways to Halt Hunger

Nothing derails your diet quicker than a sudden hankering for a junky snack. You know you'll eat dinner in an hour, but your taste buds don't care--they want those office cookies and they want them now! But you don't have to feel powerless over your junk-food cravings. These inventive--and OK, a little weird--tactics from The 8-Hour Diet can help keep your inner Cookie Monster in check and stop you from binge eating.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Fight Insomnia and Cancer at Once!

Turn in early
  to turn cancer away. Men with higher melatonin levels—a hormone involved in regulating your sleep-wake cycle—had a 75 percent lower risk of advanced prostate cancer compared to guys with lower levels, according to a new study from the Harvard School of Public Health.