Friday 8 July 2016

Why You Bruise More Easily When You Drink Alcohol

A dry mouth, a pounding head, and an upset stomach: Those are just a few side effects you might expect after drinking alcohol the night before.

One you might not think of? Waking up with black and blue marks across your body.

That’s because boozing can make you more susceptible to bruising.

Alcohol is a vasodilator, meaning it causes your blood vessels to temporarily relax and expand.

Friday 1 July 2016

What to Do If Your Sex Life Has Become Completely Predictable

As the years go by over the course of a relationship, sex almost inevitable becomes routine.

“Boring sex unfolds naturally in long-term relationships, because we all do what works,” says Marianne Brandon, Ph.D., author of Monogamy: The Untold Story. “Then we just keep repeating what works until it becomes a rut.”

Although you can’t rewind the clock—or magically transform your partner into someone new—you can reclaim the sexual energy you once shared. Here’s how.

14 Sex Myths—Busted!

Think you know a thing or two about sex? You may be right, but you may also be way off-base. Read on to see what widely accepted “truths” can use a bit of a refresh. Once you arm yourself with this intel, put it into action. She'll thank you—and you'll thank us.

Myth: Sex is better when you're young.
Reality:  Sure, sex when you’re young may be faster and more athletic, but most sexually active older adults report having the most satisfying, emotionally rewarding sex of their lives. "There's less emphasis on quick orgasms and more focus on sensuality, creativity, and emotional connection," says sexuality education consultant Melanie Davis, Ph.D, CSE. So don’t envy the young too much—you could very well be having a much better time.

Antibiotics Can Cause Workout Injuries, FDA Warns

Your sickness might sideline your workout in a surprising way: Taking a certain class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones can raise your risk for harmful side effects like tendonitis or even a full-blown tendon rupture, according to a new update from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).

In fact, people who take these meds—such as Cipro or Levaquin—have about triple the risk of tendon rupture as those not on the drug, researchers from the University of Toronto found.

Sunday 19 June 2016

How to Be a Better Father In 10 Steps

I have found the fundamental laws of fatherhood.

Skeptics said it couldn’t be done. Fatherhood is too complicated, they cried, to be reduced to capsule form. But the complexity only added intrigue to my search for guiding principles.

After all the emotion, all the yelling, all the laughter, I have distilled the duties and demands down to a decade of Daddy dicta.

Herewith, on behalf of all God’s children and the men who love them, the Ten Commandments of Dad.

The Meal Your Dad Really Wants This Father’s Day

Instead of joining the rest of the maddening restaurant crowds this Father’s Day, cook for Dad at home.

But don’t do the burgers and dogs he’s had at every summer cookout since before you were born. Surprise him with a massive cut of meat: prime rib.

This recipe involves a simple rub, a straightforward cooking technique, and a few lazy hours. Present the prime rib at the table, hand Dad the carving knife, and then sit back to reap his praises.

Happy Couples Are Having This Much Sex. How Do You Stack Up?

You don’t have to get busy in the bedroom every night to keep a smile on your face—or hers. Couples who have sex more than once a week aren’t any happier that those who do the deed weekly, suggests new Canadian research.

In the study, people in relationships who had sex once a week reported greater overall happiness—and greater satisfaction with their partners—than those who had sex less often.

But those who had sex more often than that didn’t receive any additional boosts of wellbeing.

Friday 10 June 2016

6 Kama Sutra Sex Techniques That Make Missionary Even Hotter

There’s only one problem with missionary sex: The vast majority of men thrust in the same conventional, in-and-out way.

Same speed, same depth, same hip motion, same everything. In other words, yawn and repeat.

What these guys don’t know is that there are much more exciting ways to insert your penis. Ways that will create new, pleasurable sensations for both you and your partner.

Take these six ideas from the Kama Sutra, for example. It may be an ancient Hindu text—which explains the strange names like “boar’s blow”—but these techniques certainly hold up in 2016.