Saturday 28 February 2015

Is It Possible for Every Woman to Get Her Abs Back Post-Pregnancy?

Popping out a baby does a number on your body: Your boobs get droopier, stretch marks crisscross your middle, and your vagina, well, let’s not even go there. (Hint: Expect pigment changes.) But of all the issues brought on by a bun in the oven, one of the most frustrating is post-pregnancy belly flab. Is the squishiness fixable, or are flat abs a thing of the past? Even super glam Reese Witherspoon said in a recent interview with the blog Cricket's Circle that her abs were "nonexistent" after she gave birth to her three kids. So we went to an expert to find out if it's actually possible for every woman to get her core muscles back in pre-baby shape.

Friday 20 February 2015

The Risky Sex Trend More Couples Are Trying

The possibility of getting caught can make sex exponentially hotter. But the three couples who recently made news for getting down in public didn't get caught—they freakingadvertised it.
At 3:30 in the afternoon on Friday—yes, in broad daylight—one duo started going at it on the sidewalk outside a prom dress store in Chula Vista, Calif. The shop owner recorded them rolling around on the ground, dry humping. Clothes reportedly came off 15 minutes into their romp. Oh, and they had just met.

A Better Way to Find Out if She's Your Soul Mate

Forget your eerily similar workout playlists: New research suggests that there's a better way to determine if you're soul mates, and it has to do with the way you speak.

People who use the same function words—like pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and quantifiers—are more likely to couple up and stay together, according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science.

Researchers at Texas Tech University had a hunch that speech was related to romance (dirty talk aside), so they conducted two studies on language style matching (LSM). LSM measures how much two people in a conversation subtly match each other's speaking or writing style, focusing on words like "I," "she," "those," "in," "about," "tons," "never," "very," "quite," "while," "because," and "can," among others. And even though we hardly ever realize we're saying words like these, researchers say they reveal a lot about our personalities.

Bodybuilders Are Drinking Human Breast Milk. Are They Insane, or Super Insane?

“I'm feeling soooo anabolic right now.”

“You are selling your gains short if you are not supplementing with this stuff.”

“I made the greatest gains of my life, an unrivaled 35 pounds in ten months.”

Those are the words of bodybuilders on a forum, each man speaking about his favorite new supplement: breast milk.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Can Sex Improve Your Running Performance?

Here’s a compelling argument for getting racy before heading out for a run: 48 percent of runners under age 40 say that having sex before a race fueled their performance, according to a new survey of 1,000 male and female runners from Brooks Running.

Okay, so it’s not like this was a scientific poll or anything. But it made us wonder—can sex give your running workout an edge? The answer is a definite yes, says sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D. First, sex is like any cardio activity, getting your blood pumping and your heart rate going. But since most sex sessions aren’t crazy physically demanding (which is why sex doesn't really count as a workout), it serves as kind of a warm-up to your run, heating muscles and joints and making you more flexy.

4 Things to Do Today to Sleep Better Tonight

In a perfect world, your dozing hours look something like this: As you kill the lights, receptors in your eyes signal your body to prep for the sandman. Your brain releases the snooze-inducing hormone melatonin, slows your heart rate, reduces your body temp, and puts a stop order on stimulating stress hormones like cortisol. After you fall asleep, you oscillate between light and deep slumber every 60 to 90 minutes; it's in the latter stage that your cells may fight off illness and recover from injury.

But if you had a hectic day, stress can trigger your brain to pump out excess cortisol, which may hurt your ability to power down, says Natalie Dautovich, Ph.D., an environmental scholar at the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). That means tossing and turning and a racing mind (Is my bank account overdrawn? Is my relationship on the rocks?). It also means you won't reach the deeper, restorative phases of sleep. Come morning, you feel like a vengeful member of The Walking Dead.

How His Childhood Eating Habits Affect His Boner

As you're probably well aware, there are quite a few reasons why a guy might not be able to get hard. From his relationship with his mom to weird masturbation habits, you might think you've heard it all—but you would be wrong. His erection troubles might also be to blame on how much sugar he ate as a kid, according to a recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

For the latest boner-killing study, researchers gave newborn male rats water spiked with different dosages of fructose (the type of sugar found in fruit). The control group drank regular water, a second group drank water with five percent fructose, and the third group drank water with 10 percent fructose. After eight weeks, researchers tested the rats' blood-glucose levels, testosterone levels, and erectile function.

Monday 16 February 2015

Are You a Sex Addict ... or Just a Guy?

Here's a shocker: Men love sex. Thinking about it, watching it, doing it—your day is probably sprinkled with sexual urges. How often? Ten, 20, 50 times a day? Is once every 10 minutes a reason to start worrying? Where’s the line between having a sex addiction ... and just being a living, breathing guy?

Studies have shown that as many as 1 in 25 people report an uncontrollable obsession with sexual thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. But whether sex addiction is even a real thing is up for debate. As it's clinically known, hypersexuality didn’t make the cut to be included in the newest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the bible of diagnosing mental disorders. But if you were to ask Tiger Woods, a voracious sexual appetite is  a very real thing.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Sitting on Your Butt All Day Is More Risky Than Being Obese

Consider this your daily reminder to get off your bum: Being sedentary may be twice as dangerous as being obese, according to a new study from the University of Cambridge.

Researchers tracked over 334,000 people for 12 years and compared activity levels and weights among the subjects who died during that time. They calculated how many deaths could have been avoided if all the participants had been more active versus at a healthy weight, and determined that physical activity could have saved twice as many people as weight loss.

6 Ways You Kill Her Orgasm

She’s right on the edge of ecstasy, and then you do something dumb in bed that derails her pleasure, throws her off her game, and ruins the rest of the night. Some maneuvers may seem innocuous, but they actually distract her from her ultimate endgame: achieving orgasm. Avoid these six sex moves at all costs.

(And while you're at it, look out for the 5 Signs You Might Be Bad in Bed—and discover how to change both of your sex lives for the better.)

This is Why You Don't Have the Body You Want Yet

I've heard stories  about athletes who enhance their performance by sleeping in high-altitude chambers, drinking kale smoothies every four hours, getting deep tissue massages every day, or training with equipment that looks like NASA's castoffs. Great for them. But for most of us, just finding 20 minutes a day to exercise is an impressive feat.

That's why I remind the average guy to keep it simple. You don't need Space Age equipment when a barbell works just fine.  In order to make continuous progress and stay healthy, I've learned over the years that you just need to follow four principles. They're not earth shattering or original, but they work. Follow them, and you'll set yourself up for a lifetime of fitness success.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Why Men Suddenly Develop Pregnancy Symptoms When YOU'RE Expecting

This article was written by Ali Eaves and provided by our partners at Men's Health.

It's nothing compared to what women's bodies goes through—but men experience hormonal changes when their partners are pregnant, finds a new University of Michigan study. Researchers tested the hormone levels of first-time fathers-to-be and found that their testosterone dropped as the baby grew.

Don't panic—we're not talking clinically low T levels, says study author Robin Edelstein, Ph.D. But the changes could be just enough to subtly influence his personality, like making him more nurturing and devoted to you and your future child (not such a bad thing).

7 Masturbation Moves to Try In the Shower

You shower every single day—and it's time to start taking advantage of that naked alone time. We talked with Astroglide resident sexologist Jessica O'Reilly, Ph.D., author of Hot Sex Tips, Tricks and Licks, to get some super sexy ideas for really steaming things up in there.

1. Play with the Temperature
"Run a warm shower, and press your frontside against the cold wall while touching yourself," says O'Reilly. "Let your clitoris respond to the sensations of the cool wall and the hot water in succession."

Can Lemon Water Really Help You Lose Weight?

Celebs such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Real Housewives of New Jersey star Dina Manzo guzzle hot water with lemon as if the liquid was bottled at the Fountain of Youth itself. They're certain it aids in weight loss—but is the claim too good to be true?

"Hot water with lemon in and of itself does not cause any actual weight loss," says Alissa Rumsey, R.D., a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. However, if this drink is replacing a beverage that is higher in calories, like coffee with sugar or fruit juice—and that results in a calorie deficit—then it can help you lose weight.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Hate Watching Rom-Coms with Your Girlfriend? Here's Something That Might Change Your Mind

Sappy is sexy: Romantic movies can make women horny, suggests new research from the Netherlands.

In the study, women showed more implicit desire for sex after watching particularly tender scenes from Titanic and Indecent Proposal than they did after viewing sexually explicit clips. Men’s desire, on the other hand, took a nosedive after watching the mushy movies; the guys wanted sex much less following sentimental fare than when they saw X-rated scenes or boring documentary clips.

Why might romantic movies rev up her motor? Women’s sexual motivation seems to be triggered more by a relationship-based context than an overly sexual one, says study author Marieke Dewitte, Ph.D.

It’s all evolutional: Women needed to be more tuned in to what went on relationship-wise before agreeing to knock boots with a handsome caveman. That's because a partner that stuck close by could help increase the survival chances of their baby Neanderthals.  

Look Ten Years Younger Instantly

Men, we have a serious problem on our hands, or should we say, in our closets. We’re wearing clothes that don’t fit. Maybe we’ve been watching too many Seinfeld reruns. Maybe we’ve been taking the wrong notes from our fathers. Either way, it’s aging us. And it stops here.

We see it all the time, even on the stylish streets of New York: men in oversized khakis, button ups, and even shoes (usually of the clunky square-toed variety). But even worse, these guys are fit, good looking, twenty to thirty-somethings not dressing to their full potential. (For style inspiration from guys who do it right, check out Street Scenes: New York Fashion Week.) See, dressing younger doesn’t mean digging up your old tees from college and wearing a backwards cap. Surprisingly enough, it just means not dressing older. Here are the top fashion fails that age you—and how to fix ‘em for your best look yet.

Who Dies the Most from Binge Drinking?

Talk about a sobering stat: Middle-aged guys make up the majority of binge-drinking deaths each year, finds a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to the report, six people die in the U.S. every day as a direct result of alcohol poisoning, mostly from binge drinking. And guys old enough to know better are leading the pack. Men aged 35 to 54 make up 55 percent of these drinking-related deaths in men, and 42 percent of them overall—including both men and women.

Why You Cry When Your Favorite Team Wins

Your eyes are bone dry when you’re hurt or sad. But the night your team took home the title? Waterworks. What’s the deal with that?

For the first time, researchers have looked into this odd “tears of joy” phenomenon. The Yale University study team calls it a “dimorphous display”—meaning your expressions and reactions don’t seem to match up with how you’re feeling. Other examples include smiling when you’re frustrated, or making sad faces or sounds when you see an adorable baby.