Friday 1 April 2016

How to Function After a Sleepless Night

You know how important it is to log a solid 7 to 8 hours of shuteye every night. But we understand: Sometimes research papers, newborn babies, and House of Cards marathons get in the way.

So what should you do when morning rolls around and you’re completely running on empty? Follow these tips to wring the best from your exhausted body.

Scrub Your Face

Research in the British Medical Journal shows that when you miss out on sleep, people perceive you as less attractive and less healthy. This is because your skin releases toxins through your sweat glands at night, says Lesley Corridan of the International Dermal Institute.

“Without the opportunity to perform these vital functions, your skin becomes sluggish, dull, and lackluster,” she says.

The solution: exfoliate. You’ll increase microcirculation and help bring oxygen and important nutrients to your skin, says Corridan.

Go for a Run

Your body is designed to work on a circadian pattern. When that pattern is disrupted, your blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and heart rate all suffer.

Plus, altered levels of neurotransmitters in your brain conspire to block all rational thoughts except one: Where can I lie down?

Your first fix: Splash your face with cold water and go for a 5-minute jog around the block.

“Exercise helps develop adrenaline release, which makes us more alert,” says William Kohler, M.D., of the Florida Sleep Institute.

If it’s a clear day, keep your eyes on the sky.

“Blue—more than any other color in the spectrum—triggers a photoreceptor in your eye that causes a biochemical reaction, reducing production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin,” says sleep researcher Bert Jacobson, Ph.D.

Just don’t overdo it—and eat small light meals throughout the day. Your body’s natural relaxation after heavy exercise or heavy eating will make it almost impossible to stay awake.

Finally, listen to your favorite music at work. This triggers the release of neurotransmitters in your brain, which boost alertness and attention, finds a study in Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology.

Take an Afternoon Nap

No one knows why we need to spend around a third of our existence unconscious, but a recent study in Current Directions in Psychological Science reveals just how hard your brain is working throughout the night.

The research says that sleep reorganizes and reconfigures your memories, encouraging fresh perspectives. That’s why sleeping on an idea can pay huge creative dividends—and why a lack of shuteye leads to an inspiration drought the following day.

The only way to squeeze some creative juice out of your frazzled brain is to give your body some down time.

“Caffeine and a short nap make a very effective combination,” says Jim Horne, director of the Sleep Research Center at Loughborough University.

For the perfect power nap, head to a quiet spot with a comfy chair during your lunch break and down a mug of coffee. Then set your alarm and settle down for 15 minutes.

Caffeine takes 20 minutes to kick in, and the java/nap combination should perk you up enough to make it through the afternoon lull.
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