Tuesday 21 January 2014

12 Weird Ways to Halt Hunger

Nothing derails your diet quicker than a sudden hankering for a junky snack. You know you'll eat dinner in an hour, but your taste buds don't care--they want those office cookies and they want them now! But you don't have to feel powerless over your junk-food cravings. These inventive--and OK, a little weird--tactics from The 8-Hour Diet can help keep your inner Cookie Monster in check and stop you from binge eating.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Fight Insomnia and Cancer at Once!

Turn in early
  to turn cancer away. Men with higher melatonin levels—a hormone involved in regulating your sleep-wake cycle—had a 75 percent lower risk of advanced prostate cancer compared to guys with lower levels, according to a new study from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Could a Smile Make Your Meds Work Better?

You know you
  should heed the glass-half-full mentality—it’s been linked to a longer, happier, and healthier life. But now, Harvard Medical School researchers say that following the old adage could even make you think a drug works better than it actually does.

In the study, researchers found that people reported 30 percent more pain relief when they were told positive information about a migraine medicine they were on than when they were told nothing or negative information—even if the drug was a placebo!

How Your Job Gets You Drunk

Clear your head
  before happy hour. Stress kills men’s self-control—and could make you drink more, suggests a new study from the Netherlands.

Scientists asked two groups of men and women to perform a task before drinking alcohol. One was a brain-buster meant to tax the subjects’ minds, mimicking a tough day at work. Guys who took that test not only guzzled more booze than men who performed the easier exercise, they drank four times more than women who completed the hard task.

Friday 17 January 2014

4 Sex Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor

Turns out, doctors
  are just as skittish as teens about having “the talk.” Physicians spend an average of just 36 seconds discussing sexuality with young patients, according to a new Duke University study.

And while you may not be 16 anymore, there’s a good chance your sex talks with Doc still only last about as long as you did your first time in the sack. It's time you have the cojones to ask your most burning questions about sex—for you health’s sake. Start with these four.

5 Ways to Stop Feeling so Hungry

Hunger pangs suck, especially when you're trying to lose weight or just inhaled a huge lunch and are inexplicably starving again. But reaching for seconds isn't always the solution. Here are five scientifically proven ways to keep your stomach full, without resorting to that old "eating 12 almonds" trick.

4 ways to get back on the fitness track

Now that you want to get back on the fitness track in order to get rid of the holiday pounds, where do you start?
The answer for weight loss will always and forever be cardio. While not all cardio is created equal, there IS a cardio routine for everyone.
Here are a few fun ways to shed the pounds:

Thursday 16 January 2014

4 Foods For Better Skin This Winter

So you're spending an extra 10 minutes moisturizing every morning and still dealing with dry, flaky skin—what gives? It's not just your beauty routine that needs adjusting this time of year, it's also your diet. Check out the best foods for keeping your complexion glowy and gorgeous this winter: