Friday 7 August 2015

7 Sleep Doctors Reveal Their Favorite Tricks for Falling Asleep Fast

Sleep doctors toss and turn sometimes—but it’s never for long. That’s because they use scientifically-sound methods to lull themselves into dreamland. Steal their techniques so you can finally get a good night’s rest.

Blow bubbles
It sounds ridiculous, but blowing a few bubbles—like the kind that comes in a plastic bottle that you played with as a kid—right before bed can help you fall asleep faster, says Rachel Marie E. Salas, M.D., a professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

It’s like a deep breathing exercise, which helps calm your body and mind, she says. And since it’s such a silly activity, it can also take your mind off of any potential sleep-thwarting thoughts.

Saturday 4 July 2015

How Much Sex Is Too Much Sex?

“More bang for your buck” might not apply in bed: Having lots of sex could make you enjoy it less, finds new research from Carnegie Mellon University.

In the study, married couples who got busy at least once a month, but no more than three times per week, were split into two groups. Some pairs were asked to double their sex rate, while the rest kept their habits the same.

After 3 months, couples who boosted their boning reported having less desire for sex than they had at the beginning of the experiment.

Things You Should Never Say to a Woman on a First Date

Yes, she’s smart, funny, attractive and single. You feel that it’s time, five minutes into the date, to say something that the logical side of your brain isn't so sure about.

Stop talking.

Stop talking.

Seriously, stop making words. You want to stand out. You’ve had some alcohol. You end up trying to casually mention your bank account or workout routine. You don’t succeed because that approach never succeeds.

5 Best Ways to Improve Workout Performance

Move, sweat, eat, repeat makes for a decent training plan up to a point. But if you want to maximize your fitness gains, eventually you need to train smarter: smarter eating, smarter moving, smarter recovering.

But with the avalanche of fitness information available to the average guy these days, it’s not always clear what exactly makes for smart training, and what makes for last year’s forgotten fitness fad.

How to Make Life Suck Less after a Breakup

Your bed might be emptier these days, but that’s no reason to avoid it: Sticking to a steady sleep schedule may help you cope with a breakup, suggests preliminary research from the University of Arizona.

In the study, people going through a separation who continued to hit the hay and wake up at the same time every day reported greater life satisfaction than those who didn’t follow any particular bedtime routine.

Inconsistent sleepers spend some days feeling fatigued from short sleep, and other days trying to catch up on missed shuteye, says study coauthor Spencer Dawson, Ph.D.(c).

How to Give Her Multiple Orgasms

Giving her just one orgasm is cause for celebration. But any woman who can climax once can probably cross the finish line again—and again, says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., author of She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman.

It’s a biological gift: You have to wait for your refractory period to pass before you’re ready for round two, but women don’t seem to experience the same reloading phase, says Men’s Health sex advisor Debby Herbenick, Ph.D. She could experience her second wave of pleasure in as little as 1 minute.

But just because she can come twice doesn’t mean she will. Studies suggest that only 14 to 40 percent of women have had multiple orgasms in one session.

Food You Can Feel Good About: The Clean Food Movement

“This dish could really use some potassium sorbate, right?”

Yeah, that’s something you’re never going to hear and pretty much sums up the importance of the Clean Food Movement—a new push for ingredient transparency that we think will mean better food made from simpler ingredients.

Why come clean? Because we think, quite often, the simpler the ingredient, the better it tastes. Food should make you feel good—it should do good things for you and the world around you. When ingredients are simple and readily identifiable, you’ll feel better about every bite you take.

Sunday 24 May 2015

145 Things You Should Never, Ever Say to a Naked Woman

Here’s the thing about guys: Sometimes we say stupid things.

This is especially true when a naked woman is standing in front of us. Because come on, is there anything more amazing or life-affirming than a woman without clothes on? It's like we won the lottery every time it happens!

Seeing a woman in all her naked glory does something weird to our respective brains. It mucks up the wiring, clogs the connection between our frontal lobes and our mouths. When a woman takes off her clothes and lets us stay in the room, we are no longer, as they say in the last will and testament business, “of sound mind.”