Sunday 28 October 2018

9 Things Every Guy Needs to Do After a Bad Breakup

Guys tend to take breakups hard. We slice our suffering into long, dull, depressing chapters. We constantly obsess over what went wrong, spending hours investigating all the emotional forensics and telling ourselves the stories of our breakups over and over again. And we stalk our exes on social media for months, if not longer. We don't recver from breakups. We simply grind on, according to Craig Eric Morris, Ph.D., a Penn State anthro­pologist who studies heartbreak.

What’s more, a breakup can trigger an actual mental health condition. It’s called abandonment rage, a term coined by Reid Meloy, Ph.D., a psychologist at UC San Diego. Now that your ex is gone, you’re devastated. And like a tornado survivor, you’re wondering what the hell just happened.

5 Easy Hacks to Fix Post-Workout Pain

Working out feels best immediately after you’ve finished — when you’ve got that ‘just accomplished something’ fatigue and you no longer feel like you’re gonna hurl.

Those effects start to feel worse as soon as mere hours after you’ve finished, when you experience that can’t-walk soreness and begin to question if you’ll ever make it to a gym again. That pain can last for days, causes muscle tension, and if you exercise through it, can cause real muscle damage.

So what are you supposed to do when you’re always sore, but want to keep up with your gym routine? Try incorporating some combination of the five tips below to sooth damaged muscles, repair tissue, and boost relaxation and blood flow. They’ll speed up your recovery and ease your muscle soreness, and get you back into the gym sooner.

Saturday 15 September 2018

How Many Calories Does an Orgasm Burn?

Having an orgasm is a powerful, full-body experience. Your muscles contract, your breath quickens, and you might even break a sweat.

Which is why you may have wondered at one point or another: How many calories does an orgasm burn? Your heart's pumping like you're running a marathon and you're clenching your core like you're busting out an ab workout, so it's got to be something, right?

Determined to figure it out, I put on my Sherlock Holmes cap and reached out to Dr. Uchenna Ossai, a pelvic health physical therapist and sex educator for LifeStyles Condoms. Here's what she had to say.

6 Reasons Why You Might Want to Try a Prostate Massage

  • The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the rectum
  • Many men enjoy prostate stimulation, which has led to the organ being deemed the "male G-spot"
  • In honor of National Prostate Health Month, here are a few reasons why you might want to try a prostate massage

The prostate is a mysterious, misunderstood organ. A walnut-size gland found between a man's bladder and his rectum, the prostate's main function is to produce fluid that is expelled as part of semen during ejaculation. It's also the source of prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer in men. While many men dread their first prostate exam, the so-called "male G-spot" can also be a source of mind-blowing pleasure, according to those men who have experienced prostate orgasms.

Stop Orbiting Your Exes on Social Media

  • "Orbiting" is a dating trend that has been referred to as "the new ghosting"
  • The definition of orbiting is continuing to interact with an ex's content on social media, even if you've ceased all IRL contact with them
  • We talked to relationship experts about how orbiting can do real psychological harm

I hadn’t thought about my college boyfriend for years when I noticed he’d viewed one of my Instagram stories. At first, I didn't think much of it, though I was somewhat surprised that he still followed me (he did, after all, break up with me via text). I did, however, find it unusual that he watched the next story I posted...and the next. He's watched every single Instagram story I've posted since.

These 3 Winter Sports Will Help You Burn Calories in the Cold

For most people, dropping temperatures and falling snow are a signal to start the winter hibernation. But if you're looking to stay in shape all year 'round — and avoid developing a rotund, bear-like shape during the colder months — you should try to get outside to sweat in the snow.

Since the white stuff makes it tougher to do all your favorite summer activities, you're going to have to find some new seasonally appropriate workouts. You wouldn't walk outside in shorts in 20 degree weather, so it doesn't make sense to try to exercise the same way you did when the thermostat was pushing higher temps. That takes (most) water-centric sports out of the running — now, the key is to find ways to make the most out of all that snow on the ground.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

The Truth About Why Some Women Masturbate During Sex

My ex-boyfriend couldn’t keep his hands to himself. I don’t mean that he was a huge fan of PDA — he actually wasn't. I mean he was handsy in bed, in that he would physically prevent me from touching myself.

It was the oddest thing. We’d be having sex, and I’d feel the desire to reach between my legs for a little massage. My ex would spot this, push my hand away, and try to get the job done himself. I hated it. It completely took me out of the moment, and it never resulted in a good orgasm for me.

My ex wasn’t the only one who suffered from handsiness. A few of my former sexual partners have acted like they were emotionally wounded by the fact that my hand was on my clitoris. In my experience, when I touch myself during sex, men tend to react one of two ways: They either think they’re not getting me off, so they get offended or ask what they can do; or they think it’s some coded way for me to tell them that I want them to touch me, so they take matters into their own hands.

10 Things Every Guy Should Do While He's Still Single

Bachelorhood shouldn't just be about nights out followed by days hungover on the couch. The ultimate perk of being single is having nobody to answer to. Do you really want to squander that precious free time by binging shows and getting all of your meals delivered? The only person standing in your way is you.

Whether you’re more of an urban explorer or a beach bum, traveling alone is a great way to achieve the peace of mind that most people are seeking on vacation. There’s a lot of pleasure to take out of being entirely on your own schedule for a few days and filling that time however you see fit. It also gives you an opportunity to break out of your social comfort zone and meet a few fellow tourists.