Saturday 15 March 2014

7 Reasons She Breaks Up With You

Breaking up isn’t always hard to do. Sometimes it’s really, really easy—like when a girl realizes she's dating a cheater. But sometimes the reason a relationship ends isn't as clear. That's why I compiled a list of women's dating dealbreakers. Commit any of these crimes, and you'll send her running for the hills before the relationship even begins.

You flirt with her friends.
The only thing worse than checking out another woman in a girl’s presence is hitting on one in her inner circle. Even if it’s playful, it’s a turnoff. Sure, she’ll love that you can hang with her group, but she doesn’t want to wonder if you’d rather be hooking up with her leggy friend. Be nice to her girlfriends—but give her your undivided attention. After all, she wants to know you only have eyes for her.

4 Financial Sins That Ruin Relationships

Hooking up with  another guy might seem like the worst way she can cheat on you. But what if she borrows your credit card and fails to mention it? If you suspect the woman you are with lies about how much she spends, saves, or borrows, it could be ruining your relationship.

In fact, one in three adults who have combined their finances in a current or past relationship admit to committing financial infidelity, reports a recent online survey by the National Endowment for Financial Education. And it turns out this type of cheating has serious consequences—76 percent of respondents reported that financial deception hurt the relationship, 10 percent reported it led to divorce, and 8 percent claimed it led to separation.

Do You Really Need Deodorant?

Some guys may  think their sweat doesn’t stink like everyone else’s, but ask their girlfriend or anyone near them in the gym and you’ll probably hear a different story.

The truth is, some people do give off fewer odors than others—but everybody has some sort of trace: “Body odor is determined by environmental factors, like what foods we eat, and genetics. Some people just smell stronger naturally,” explains Robyn Gmyrek, M.D., director of cosmetic dermatology at Columbia University Medical Center. But it’s not the actual dampness that smells. The bacterium that breaks your sweat down into organic compounds is what has that potent stench, she adds.

9 Surprising Ways to Whiter Teeth

A bright smile  not only looks great, it could improve your chances at landing a girlfriend. According to a recent study by, 71 percent of women say that they judge a man based on his teeth. Translation: Having a brilliant smile will actually help you be more attractive to women. “A smile can be very inviting—having a whiter smile is engaging and exciting," says Beverly Hills-based dentist Arthur Glosman.

Friday 28 February 2014

6 Reasons Women Fake Orgasms

In (uncomfortably relatable) sex news, researchers identified a whopping six different reasons that women fake orgasms, according to a pair of surveys of over 350 women, published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. Even weirder (slash, more interesting): their reasons differ based on whether they're faking it during oral sex or penetration. Oh!

During penetrative intercourse, women tend to fake it for four main reasons:  to avoid hurting their partner's feelings; because they feel insecure about having an orgasm; to speed things up and end the sex ASAP; and as an attempt to increase their own arousal (sort of a fake-it-'til-you-make-it approach—hey, whatever works!).  

Chore Wars: How the Division of Domestic Duties Really Affects a Couple’s Sex Life

Are women less attracted to men who do more domestic chores? Or are men who share equally in the workload at home more appealing to a generation of stressed wives who are juggling family responsibilities and more work hours than ever?
It’s not a new debate, but it is one that has resurfaced recently thanks to a series of articles about stay-at-home fathers and a feature this month in the New York Times magazine by writer and psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb in which she suggests that that equality is turning us off. She writes: “In an attempt to become gender neutral, we may have become gender neutered.”

Why Guys Say Things on Social Media That They Won't Say to You

Alexandra Sifferlin for

Here's a scenario you might recognize if you're a woman dating a social media butterfly: You're sitting on the couch together silently watching TV. When you take a moment to peek at your Twitter feed, you see your significant other has been sharing a stream of personal thoughts about House of Cards with the Twitterverse—even though he hasn't uttered a word to you.

The Major Benefit of a Vegetarian Diet

Chock this up to one of the many reasons you should make an effort to eat more veggies: A vegetarian (or even flexitarian) diet may help lower your blood pressure, according to a new meta-analysis of more than a century’s worth of clinical trials and observational studies.

Researchers from various universities and medical facilities in Japan and the U.S. teamed up to pore over the vast amount of existing data on the relationship between a vegetarian diet and its effects on blood pressure. In addition to dietary info, researchers looked at study participants’ systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings—i.e., the ratio-like stat your doctor gives you at checkups, measured in millimeters of mercury. (A healthy BP is 120/80.)