Friday, 10 January 2014

How Your Personality Affects Your Sex Drive

Too much stress and too many martinis aren’t the only things that can screw with your sex drive. Certain personality traits are linked with poorer sexual function, according to a new study published in the journal Sexual Medicine.

Researchers surveyed 50 women who were seeking care for sexual dysfunction to see how their sex lives, personality traits, and coping mechanisms related to each other. They found that women who scored high on extraversion (those who were outgoing and energetic) and openness to experience (those who were curious and inventive) had better sexual function than the women who were introverted or less open to new experiences.
But don’t worry, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your sex life is doomed if you’re an introvert. Researchers also found that dealing with sexual dysfunction through positive coping mechanisms like emotional support (think: venting to a friend or therapist) was associated with better orgasm and sexual satisfaction. So if you’re not feeling as frisky lately and you’re typically a little more introverted or traditional, you might want to try talking things over with a sex therapist—or even just with your partner or a close friend. You may not be able to change your personality, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tweak your sex life!

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