Friday 29 July 2016

The Scary Truth About Lyme Disease

Michael Radonich remembers the day he got Lyme disease: It was late August 2012, the beginning of his first semester at the Wharton School in Philadelphia. He and his classmates had boarded buses for a day of ropes courses and bonding activities at a campground in the Pennsylvania woods.

About two weeks later, Radonich suddenly awoke to shooting pains in his scalp, as if someone had clipped electrodes to his temples. His heart rate began fluttering between 60 and 140 beats per minute. His experienced severe double vision, and then the left side of his body went numb. He was 28 years old, much too young to be having a stroke.

Science Just Discovered a Strange Link Between Naps and Diabetes

Pull your head out from under the covers: Taking long naps might increase your risk of heart problems and diabetes, a new meta-analysis presented at the American College of Cardiology’s (ACC) Annual Scientific Session suggests.

After analyzing data on more than 300,000 people from 21 different studies, the researchers concluded that people who napped more than 60 minutes a day—and who reported high levels of daytime fatigue—were about 50 percent more likely to develop diabetes than those who napped for less than an hour a day.

Saturday 23 July 2016

The Easy Way to Help Her Orgasm Every Time

Let her mind wander: Fantasizing during sex may help her orgasm, finds a recent Belgian study.

Women who reported regularly experiencing the big O were more likely to imagine sexy scenarios while getting it on than those who had trouble finishing.

It’s possible that her erotic thoughts help keep her focused on feeling good, the researchers say. Women who have a hard time getting off tend to be more distracted during sex, according to the paper, while those who orgasm easily may be more tuned into their sensations.

6 Reasons Your Breath Reeks - Other Than Bad Hygiene

You brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash a couple times a day, avoid garlic bread on a first date, and always pop a mint after your morning coffee—yet somehow your breath still stinks. What gives?

Poor oral hygiene is not the most common cause of bad breath, says Harold Katz, D.D.S., bacteriologist, and founder of the California Breath Clinics. Most chronic bad breath is actually due to dry mouth: When you don’t have enough moisture, the bacteria that live in your mouth thrive.

“When you sleep at night there’s little or no saliva production,” explains Dr. Katz. “That’s what causes dryness and morning breath.”

5 Trendy Health Foods That Aren’t Really Healthy

If your coworkers, your college pal who you still follow on Facebook, and your gym buddy are all buzzing about a miracle food, it’s gotta be good, right? Well ...

When it comes to health foods, the trendiness-as-truthfulness model doesn’t always apply.

Skeptical? Just look at these 5 crazy-popular picks. They might be everywhere, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they deserve a daily spot in your diet.

The One Thing That Never Fails to Turn a Woman On

Ali Eaves, the Men’s Health Girl Next Door, takes all your questions on women, love, and lust.

What’s the one thing that never fails to light a woman’s fire?
                                                —Ben from Charleston, South Carolina

Sometimes my husband lets me “catch” him watching the dirty video we made on vacation in Jamaica a few years ago. It’s probably a ploy, but it works every time.

Why You Should Order the Exact Same Thing As Your Date or Client

Want to click with your dinner dates? Order the same thing they do, new research from the University of Chicago suggests.

In the study, pairs of strangers either ate the same snack as their partners or a different snack. Then they played a game designed to measure trust: One partner could choose how much money to give the other based on how much he or she trusted the other’s judgment.

On average, the people who ate the same snack as their partners gave almost 30 percent more money to their partners and said they felt about 17 percent closer to them than the pairs who ate different types of food.

Friday 22 July 2016

Why You Should Work Your Abs First

Your core—the dozens of muscles between your shoulders and your hips—contracts first in every exercise, he explains. All the energy you exert starts in your midsection, and is then transferred to your limbs.

A strong core allows you to apply more force to a barbell, whereas a weak core decreases the amount you can apply.

But in order to prime your core muscles so they fire better during your workout, you need to train your core right after your warmup, he says.

Friday 15 July 2016

The Truth About How Porn Affects Your Sex Life

There’s a war on porn taking place right now.

A growing chorus is claiming that porn is addictive, that it promotes misogyny and sexual violence, that it leads to riskier sex, and that it's creating an epidemic of erectile dysfunction and destroying relationships.

These are just some of the many reasons the state of Utah recently went so far as to formally declare porn to be a “public health crisis.”

Is porn really such a destructive force, though?

It’s difficult to come to that conclusion when you actually look at what the research says.

Most Physicians Say It Takes 5 to 7 Attempts to Quit Smoking. Here’s Why They’re Wrong

It might take more tries than you think to finally stop smoking for good: Smokers may need close to 30 quit attempts before they finally succeed, new research in BMJ Open found.

That’s well above the 5 to 7 benchmark that physicians usually refer to.

The 5 to 7 estimate comes from how many quit attempts former smokers actually remember having taken in their lives, says the study’s lead researcher Michael Chaiton, Ph.D.

STUDY: 78% Of Health-Care Workers Don’t Properly Wash Their Hands

You’d think your doctor, of all people, would be diligent about washing her hands at work.

But many health-care workers are sloppy with their hand hygiene, according to a new study presented at the 2016 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) conference.

The researchers had undercover volunteers monitor hospital staff—including doctors, nurses, and even housekeeping—as they worked at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose, California.

Friday 8 July 2016

7 Signs She'll Be Good in Bed

It's an enigma as enduring as Mona Lisa's small, knowing smile: Sometimes meek women turn wild in bed; sometimes they just lie there, waiting to inherit the earth. Sometimes the chestnut filly with the riding crop turns out to be all packaging; sometimes she's as thrilling as the signs indicated she'd be.

It made me wonder: Is it possible to reliably predict what a woman is like in bed? The love scientists say yes—sort of.

"It's very hard to gauge," explains Helen Fisher, Ph.D., an anthropologist at Rutgers University and author of Why We Love, a new book about the nature and chemistry of romantic love. A woman's high heels, short skirt, and follow-me walk mean little. "Those are signs of intention. But they are not signs that this person is actually good in bed and is compatible with you."

8 Signs It’s Time To Break Up

How do you know when it’s time to call it quits, versus when you’re just going through a rough patch?

We spoke with relationship experts to get a list of eight crucial signs to look out for. If several of these apply to you, and if you’ve worked on them to no avail, it could be time to cut the cord.

Fights happen. And some couples just naturally fight more than others.

But if your argument pattern is changing and you’re starting to pick fights over the littlest, most insignificant things, that could be an indication that something’s awry, says relationship therapist Rachel Sussman, L.C.S.W., author of The Breakup Bible.

Why You Bruise More Easily When You Drink Alcohol

A dry mouth, a pounding head, and an upset stomach: Those are just a few side effects you might expect after drinking alcohol the night before.

One you might not think of? Waking up with black and blue marks across your body.

That’s because boozing can make you more susceptible to bruising.

Alcohol is a vasodilator, meaning it causes your blood vessels to temporarily relax and expand.

Friday 1 July 2016

What to Do If Your Sex Life Has Become Completely Predictable

As the years go by over the course of a relationship, sex almost inevitable becomes routine.

“Boring sex unfolds naturally in long-term relationships, because we all do what works,” says Marianne Brandon, Ph.D., author of Monogamy: The Untold Story. “Then we just keep repeating what works until it becomes a rut.”

Although you can’t rewind the clock—or magically transform your partner into someone new—you can reclaim the sexual energy you once shared. Here’s how.

14 Sex Myths—Busted!

Think you know a thing or two about sex? You may be right, but you may also be way off-base. Read on to see what widely accepted “truths” can use a bit of a refresh. Once you arm yourself with this intel, put it into action. She'll thank you—and you'll thank us.

Myth: Sex is better when you're young.
Reality:  Sure, sex when you’re young may be faster and more athletic, but most sexually active older adults report having the most satisfying, emotionally rewarding sex of their lives. "There's less emphasis on quick orgasms and more focus on sensuality, creativity, and emotional connection," says sexuality education consultant Melanie Davis, Ph.D, CSE. So don’t envy the young too much—you could very well be having a much better time.

Antibiotics Can Cause Workout Injuries, FDA Warns

Your sickness might sideline your workout in a surprising way: Taking a certain class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones can raise your risk for harmful side effects like tendonitis or even a full-blown tendon rupture, according to a new update from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).

In fact, people who take these meds—such as Cipro or Levaquin—have about triple the risk of tendon rupture as those not on the drug, researchers from the University of Toronto found.

Sunday 19 June 2016

How to Be a Better Father In 10 Steps

I have found the fundamental laws of fatherhood.

Skeptics said it couldn’t be done. Fatherhood is too complicated, they cried, to be reduced to capsule form. But the complexity only added intrigue to my search for guiding principles.

After all the emotion, all the yelling, all the laughter, I have distilled the duties and demands down to a decade of Daddy dicta.

Herewith, on behalf of all God’s children and the men who love them, the Ten Commandments of Dad.

The Meal Your Dad Really Wants This Father’s Day

Instead of joining the rest of the maddening restaurant crowds this Father’s Day, cook for Dad at home.

But don’t do the burgers and dogs he’s had at every summer cookout since before you were born. Surprise him with a massive cut of meat: prime rib.

This recipe involves a simple rub, a straightforward cooking technique, and a few lazy hours. Present the prime rib at the table, hand Dad the carving knife, and then sit back to reap his praises.

Happy Couples Are Having This Much Sex. How Do You Stack Up?

You don’t have to get busy in the bedroom every night to keep a smile on your face—or hers. Couples who have sex more than once a week aren’t any happier that those who do the deed weekly, suggests new Canadian research.

In the study, people in relationships who had sex once a week reported greater overall happiness—and greater satisfaction with their partners—than those who had sex less often.

But those who had sex more often than that didn’t receive any additional boosts of wellbeing.

Friday 10 June 2016

6 Kama Sutra Sex Techniques That Make Missionary Even Hotter

There’s only one problem with missionary sex: The vast majority of men thrust in the same conventional, in-and-out way.

Same speed, same depth, same hip motion, same everything. In other words, yawn and repeat.

What these guys don’t know is that there are much more exciting ways to insert your penis. Ways that will create new, pleasurable sensations for both you and your partner.

Take these six ideas from the Kama Sutra, for example. It may be an ancient Hindu text—which explains the strange names like “boar’s blow”—but these techniques certainly hold up in 2016.

Why It’s Normal For Happily Married Men to Fantasize About Divorcing Their Wives

It pops up from time to time: The thought of divorcing your wife even though you’re happy with her.

So if you’re still satisfied with your wife, why do you fantasize about untying the knot?

It’s a normal reaction, and often times occurs because something other than the relationship is causing strain, like your job or financial situation, says Jared DeFife, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and relationship therapist in Atlanta.

Why Drinking a Little Booze Each Day May Be Killing You

There will be no broken coffee tables in this story. No blackouts, shots of Jager, thumping hangovers, or epic tales of tossing park benches into duck ponds. I’m not the guy who makes a scene or curls up asleep on a dog bed. This story is not about a booze blowout; it’s about a slow leak that could have left me empty and alone.

There’s a decent chance that you drink like I do. I enjoy a cold IPA when I get home from work; maybe a glass of pinot with a plate of pasta later. I drink liquor only a few times a year; I can’t think of more than 10 times, all big nights out, in the past few years when I might have thrown down five or more drinks in two hours, which is how the CDC defines binge drinking.

Friday 3 June 2016

The Surprising Truth About Your Sex Life After Age 40

Who says the kinky stuff was only for your wild, single days? According to a new survey from Trojan, you probably won’t reach your full, shall we say, creative potential until you’re a bit older and wiser.

The condom connoisseurs at Trojan teamed up with the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada to survey 2,400 Canadians between the ages of 40 and 59 about their sex lives.

And it turns out that the sex lives of most middle-aged adults do not go stale as they age. In fact, 65 percent of respondents said they were very satisfied with their last sexual encounter.

8 Secrets Of People Who Never Get Sick

You probably know at least one person who always manages to stay healthy, even when everyone around them is coughing, sneezing, and feeling miserable. Annoying, right?

So what’s their secret? We asked eight super-healthy people to reveal how they dodge colds and other common ailments. Read on and steal their tricks.

1. Supplement With C 
The scientific evidence that vitamin C improves immunity has been mixed. But Sam Jernigan of Grass Valley, California swears by it.

What Years of Arguing With Your Spouse Does To Your Health

Marital spats can be a literal pain, according to new research from Northwestern University.

In a study that spanned two decades, researchers had married couples come into a lab every five years to rehash their common disagreements in front of a camera.

Experts studied their conversations, taking note of their facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. Then they surveyed the couples about their health.

Over the 20-year period, men who argued in certain ways were more likely to wind up with health problems.

19 Ways to Live a Stress-Free Life

The biggest health threat for men isn’t heart disease or cancer. It’s the out-of-control stress reactions that cause or worsen those conditions in the first place. We talked to America’s coolest characters to learn how they cope. Steal their secrets and you’ll thrive in life’s pressure points—like they do.

The stressor: All eyes are on you at a critical moment in the game (or the presentation, or the ceremony).

Beat that stress: When you establish a routine, the difficult becomes routine.

Saturday 14 May 2016

12 Sex Secrets Women Wish You Knew

We scoured the latest studies, grilled dozens of experts, and polled more than 700 women to come up with this enlightening list of 12 rules guaranteed to make you a better lover—tonight.

By turning her fantasies into reality, she'll be more likely to agree to act out your wildest sex dreams.

And she'll want sex more often, so things will only get better every time you get naked with her.

1. Greater Focus Leads to Hotter Sex
What's the best way to unlock a woman's wildest desires in bed?

"Passion," said 42 percent of the women we surveyed.

"That means being in the moment and not being distracted," says Joel Block, Ph. D., a Long Island-based psychologist and the author of Secrets of Better Sex. "Sex is a conversation, and she doesn't want to feel like you wish you had your BlackBerry."

How Popular Allergy Medicines Can Affect Your Muscle Gains

The same meds that staunch your allergy symptoms or heartburn might also diminish your gains at the gym: Over-the-counter antihistamines may hamper your muscle recovery after exercise, a new study from the University of Oregon suggests.

One hour before a 60-minute strength training workout, the participants took strong doses of two antihistamines, fexofenadine (Allegra, which treats hay fever symptoms) and ranitidine (Zantac, which treats heartburn).

After they completed their workout, the researchers tested their muscles to gauge their recovery.

Normally after vigorous exercise, 3,000 genes work to aid recovery by boosting the blood flow to the tiny tears in your muscle fibers that occur when you light weights. This increases muscle-protein synthesis, which repairs and reinforces the fibers so that they’re more resistant the next time you lift weights.

Why Some People Sweat More Than Others

Some people sweat more than others. Exercise with a group, and the differences become obvious.

But what determines these variations?

Answers have traditionally focused on factors like body fat percentage (more fat insulates you and makes you overheat sooner) and aerobic fitness (the fitter you are the less you sweat).

At the American College of Sports Medicine meeting this spring, Matthew Cramer of the University of Ottawa and Ollie Jay of the University of Sydney presented some results that challenged those ideas. That data has now been published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, and it has some surprising twists.

The problem with previous studies is that body fat and aerobic fitness (VO2 max) tend to correlate with other factors. People with lots of body fat tend to weigh more—so is it the insulative properties of fat that matter, or is it simply being bigger and having to haul around more weight?

Friday 15 April 2016

The Scientific Key to Giving Her Multiple Orgasms

Only 47 percent of women have ever had multiple orgasms, according to a new study from researchers at Indiana University and the sex-ed site OMGYES.

Want to change that?

Researchers asked the women who have multiple orgasms exactly how they do it. Their big secret: They dial back the clitoral stimulation after their first climax.

STUDY: Women Would Rather Date Nice Guys Than Good-Looking Men

Nice guys finish first—even ahead of the good-looking ones, according to new research from the U.K.

Women rated how much they wanted to date certain men after reviewing their photos and stories of how they acted in given scenarios, like when walking by a homeless person. For example, some bachelors pretended to look at their phones but others bought the homeless man a sandwich.

The ladies were more interested in unattractive men who had acted kindly than handsome guys who had acted selfishly.

5 Things Losing Weight Will Never Fix

Think losing weight will make you happier, more confident, and kick-ass at work? Well, it doesn't really work like that...

That's something Kelsey Miller, author of Big Girl: How I Gave Up Dieting And Got A Life, learned the hard way. “I used to tell myself, 'You can do this when you’ve lost X pounds.' That feeling was holding me back in my career and my friendships—it even stopped me from leaving the house," she says.

“The message that weight loss will fix our problems surrounds us,” says clinical psychologist Terese Weinstein Katz, Ph.D., author of the ebook Eat Sanely: Get Off The Diet Roller Coaster For Good. “There’s a fantasy that thin people are ultimately happier.”

While losing weight might make you feel unstoppable at first (and possibly improve your overall health), there are a few issues that dropping pounds definitely won't resolve. So before you set a goal weight, make it your mission to work out the kinks now—not post weight-loss success.

Can Circumcision Mess with a Guy’s Sex Life? Science Explains

Whether you're curious for the sake of your future children, or just want to know more about the differences between cut and uncut peens, most info on whether snip-snips can lead to womp-womps in the bedroom came down to anecdotal evidence. Until now.

According to new research, circumcised men aren’t prone to penis problems in bed (so forget what you've heard).

The study, which appears in The Journal of Urology, studied 62 uncircumcised and circumcised men between the ages of 18 and 37 and found that there was no difference in sexual function between the groups.

10 Foods You Should Eat When You’re Constipated

There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling the urge to poop—then sitting on the john and waiting … and waiting.

Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems, affecting 42 million people in the United States, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

But loading up on fiber can help keep your gut moving.

“You need fiber in your diet to help push foods through the intestinal tract,” says Sharon Palmer, R.D.N, author of Plant-Powered for Life.

Just remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to soften your stool so that it can pass through easily, says Gina Sam, M.D., director of the Mount Sinai Gastrointestinal Motility Center.

Here are the 10 best fiber-rich, poop-prompting foods to eat when you’ve been struggling on the toilet.

Friday 1 April 2016

You Know About the G-Spot, But What About the A-Spot?

There are multiple ways to help your partner have an orgasm. You can stimulate her clitoris or even to work toward the elusive G-spot. But there’s another mysterious erogenous zone that you probably haven’t tapped into yet: the A-spot, or the anterior fornix.

Like the Loch Ness Monster, there’s speculation as to whether the A-spot actually exists. Some experts swear it can trigger long-lasting orgasms, says Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D. and author of The Better Sex Guide to Extraordinary Lovemaking.

Other experts aren't so sure.

“I’ve never seen any proof anatomically of the existence of the spot,” says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale School of Medicine. Though she says that there are some areas of the vagina that are more sensitive than others, she can’t define one exact spot that sets off a long orgasm.

8 Ways to Flirt Without Saying a Single Word

Long before you say hello, you can silently seduce the woman across the bar.

It’s all about tweaking your body language, says Joel Wade, Ph.D., a psychology professor at Bucknell University. Check out the most effective nonverbal pickup cues.

1. Spread Out
Sit at a table with one arm draped over a nearby chair, or lean at the bar with your arms spread apart.

Both moves convey control of personal and physical space, Wade’s research finds. Women interpret this as a sign of dominance—a key trait for boosting your attractiveness, he says.

2. Open Up
Men who don’t cross their arms are seen as more attractive, active, and persuasive, finds a study in Evolution and Human Behavior.

6 Modern Medical Breakthroughs That Are About to Change the Health Game

Thanks to science, we now know more about our health than ever before.

It seems like there are game-changing medical breakthroughs happening all the time, but here are six of the most fascinating advancements. They might just become standard operating procedure someday soon.

1. The Fecal Transplant
Sure, it sounds pretty gross, but popping poop pills can do everything from take on obesity, to treat irritable bowel disease and UTIs, to possibly even fight serious diseases like Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

How to Function After a Sleepless Night

You know how important it is to log a solid 7 to 8 hours of shuteye every night. But we understand: Sometimes research papers, newborn babies, and House of Cards marathons get in the way.

So what should you do when morning rolls around and you’re completely running on empty? Follow these tips to wring the best from your exhausted body.

Scrub Your Face

Research in the British Medical Journal shows that when you miss out on sleep, people perceive you as less attractive and less healthy. This is because your skin releases toxins through your sweat glands at night, says Lesley Corridan of the International Dermal Institute.

Friday 11 March 2016

Why You Should Never Ever Ask a Woman If She Had an Orgasm

For men, sex is all about the grand finale: the orgasm

But if you think women feel the same way, you’re mistaken, says Debby Herbenick, M.P.H., Ph.D., Men’s Health sex professor and associate director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University.

The truth is, only 56 percent of women report orgasming from intercourse alone, a study from Sweden found.

Instead, females tend to rate intercourse as more pleasurable based on the strength of the bond they felt with their partner—not by the strength of their orgasm, says Herbenick.

That’s why no man should ask his partner whether she had an orgasm. You may think you’re being a good guy by asking. After all, climaxing feels amazing, and you want her to experience that, too.

How to Clear Phlegm From Your Throat

The phlegm in your throat is like the booger in your eye: You don’t really know how it got there, but removing it is kind of gross.

While we’ll save our eye booger exposé for another day, it turns out phlegm actually serves a useful purpose: The thick, sludgy substance—made up of mostly water, salt, and antibodies—is designed to help capture and clear bacteria and other unwanted microorganisms from your nose and throat, says Brett Comer, M.D., an assistant professor in the division of rhinology, sinus surgery, and allergy at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.

3 Ways to Avoid a Same-Day Hangover

Ernest Hemingway summed up the daytime drinking slump the best: Death in the Afternoon. Which, fittingly, became the name for his infamous cocktail of absinthe and champagne, and questionable hangover cure.

We can’t recommend making a Hemingway cocktail to fix your head, but we can help you with holding off the mid-day crash that comes long before last call.

It turns out the key to avoiding premature hangovers isn’t found inside a glass at all—it’s the glass itself.

Friday 4 March 2016

12 Sex Secrets Women Wish You Knew

We scoured the latest studies, grilled dozens of experts, and polled more than 700 women to come up with this enlightening list of 12 rules guaranteed to make you a better lover—tonight.

By turning her fantasies into reality, she'll be more likely to agree to act out your wildest sex dreams. And she'll want sex more often, so things will only get better every time you get naked with her

1. Greater Focus Leads to Hotter Sex
What's the best way to unlock a woman's wildest desires in bed? "Passion," said 42 percent of the women we surveyed. "That means being in the moment and not being distracted," says Joel Block, Ph. D., a Long Island-based psychologist and the author of Secrets of Better Sex. "Sex is a conversation, and she doesn't want to feel like you wish you had your BlackBerry."

How to Increase Your Odds Of Surviving a Heart Attack

Reason #37,421 to exercise: Fit people who suffer a heart attack are less likely to die from the ailment than those who are out of shape, finds new research from Johns Hopkins University.

In the study, scientists analyzed the MET scores of people who performed a 15-minute treadmill stress test. MET—or metabolic equivalent of a task—is a measure of activity that takes into account both the length and intensity of your workout.

Is Cardio Necessary For Super-Low Body Fat?

You’ve probably heard a fitness guru declare, with biblical certainty, that “abs are made in the kitchen.”

It’s one of the more absurd clichés. The guys you see in Men’s Health, or in supplement ads, or posing down in a bodybuilding contest, built those bodies in the weight room, and then employed superhuman discipline to stay out of the kitchen while dieting down to photo-ready shape.

But there’s one more part of their program, and it involves something the average meathead doesn’t like to think about: cardio. We know anecdotally that bodybuilders do a lot of it. But is it absolutely necessary?

Thursday 25 February 2016

What It Means If She Cries After Sex

You want a naked woman in your bed to be one of two things: horny or satisfied.

But what if she cries?

It’s a common experience, according to new Australian research. Nearly half of women have felt unexplainable sadness after sex, the study finds.

Researchers call the phenomenon “postcoital dysphoria.” It can involve bursting into tears or just feeling depressed or anxious.

The good news: Her crying may have nothing to do with you. The women in the study specified that their feelings were “inexplicable,” so it’s not like it could be traced back to, say, the guy’s tragically subpar skills in the sack.

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Without Starving

You can stage a coup on calories without ruining your life or eating a single rice cake: Just follow this simple advice. You might even be surprised by how easy (and delicious) some of these tips are to follow.

1. Always Eat a Man's Breakfast
No more Lucky Charms—you want some protein and fat. Scrambled eggs and a few sausage links will keep you fuller longer than an airy doughnut will.

The Supplements You Should Stay Away From

You can walk into a drugstore and buy any supplement you’d like. But that doesn’t mean taking it would be a good idea for you—even if your buddy swears by it.

Just like prescription meds, a supplement that provides health benefits to one guy can prove ineffective or even dangerous for another, says Matilde Parente, M.D., author of Healing Ways: An Integrative Sourcebook.

Everything from your overall health to your prescription meds to the way your body breaks down drugs can change the way a supplement works for you, says Bill Gurley, Ph.D., a chemistry professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

8 Tricks to Make Your Orgasm Even BETTER

If you learned a killer new workout that made your body feel incredible, you’d likely share it with your friends. But when it comes to sex, men aren’t as likely to trade tips. And that’s a shame. So we’ll get the sharing party started: After chatting with sexologists and pouring over the latest, hottest research, we found these eight ways to take your orgasm to the next level.

1. Touch your taint.

If you haven’t already been introduced, meet your taint—or your perineum, if we’re getting technical. It’s the stretch of skin between your balls and your butt, and it’s a one-way ticket to Pleasuretown.

How to Detox Your Skin After Overdoing the Alcohol, Sweets, or Salt

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, balance is key. But we’re only human, right? Sometimes you overdo it, whether it’s finishing the bottle of bourbon or the family-sized portion of nachos by yourself.

Overindulging not only makes you feel like crap, but it also makes you look lousy.  Here’s what too many cocktails, sweets, or salty snacks really does to your skin—and how you can combat it.