Friday, 9 May 2014

This Simple Trick Will Make You Want to Work Out Right Now

Whether it’s slashing seconds off your Fran time or making the winning shot, thinking about a positive exercise memory can motivate you to exercise more, according to a new University of New Hampshire study.

Researchers found that college students who were asked to recall positive exercise memories performed more workouts the following week than students who were prompted to think of negative exercise memories or no memories at all.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

She Wants You to Watch

Foreplay begins at  the cocktail bar when Jeff surreptitiously slips his hand beneath the hem of Anne's skirt. As the two grope in the cab on their way to Jeff's apartment, the driver alternately huffs in disgust. . .and sneaks peeks in the rearview mirror.

Now, in the privacy of Jeff's apartment, Anne, 29, glances at the large windows facing the complex next door. She's making sure the curtains are wide open. Should his neighbors or anyone else passing by happen to look, they would have a clear view of Jeff sliding Anne's panties down her hips and pushing her onto the bed, and Anne wrapping her legs around him.

Sex with Jeff is good. But with the curtains open, it's great. Anne is not shy, clearly. And she's not shy about describing what that exposure does to her. "Knowing that anyone can see us steps up my game," she says. "It makes everything hotter. I like to imagine people are watching—and that they're jealous."

Raise Your Steaks

The cow I ate was born in April 2011 in rural Pennsylvania.

Cathy Pomanti, the owner of Sugar Hill Farm, midwifed my calf into the world. Pomanti raises grass-fed organic Scottish highland cows, a shaggy breed yielding meat that's among the tastiest on the planet. On one farm visit, my fiancee saw a highlander, went quiet, and then said, "I don't want to eat them. I want to hug them." But I was hungry for a cow to call my own.

Watch Out! Social Media Can Sink Your Love Life

It may have taken years to build, but a relationship can crumble in only 140 characters. A new study from the University of Missouri found that frequent tweeting increases your odds for real-life couple conflicts. Worse, it can actually be the downfall of your relationship, leading to cheating, breakups, and divorce.

Here's the deal: Researcher Russell Clayton polled couples of all dating durations and found they argued over basically every element of the survey, including who their partner tweets to, what they’re posting, and the sheer amount of hours they spend on the site. Clayton’s previous research found Facebook also sparked relationship trouble.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

7 Sex Upgrades for Your Bed

The whole "twin  bed with threadbare sheets" thing may have worked in college, but you’re out of the frat house now—which means your bedroom needs to grow up, too. “Surrounding yourself with warmth and luxury is a catalyst for sex—an aphrodisiac, even,” says Cathy Hobbs, an interior designer in New York City. “It’s the difference between being at Motel 6 and the Four Seasons.”

Make your bedroom a place where women want to jump between the sheets—and stay there—with these seven tips. Then hang up the “Do Not Disturb” sign and get busy.

Could Porn Cause ED?

One out of  every four new erectile dysfunction patients is under 40, according to a recent study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. That’s compared to a 2002 Dutch review that found just 2 percent of younger men suffer from ED.

What explains this apparent spike in bedroom-related blues? Theories range from higher rates of stress to greater honesty in reporting the issue. But some research suggests your online porn habit may also play a role.

7 Reasons She Breaks Up With You

Breaking up isn’t always hard to do. Sometimes it’s really, really easy—like when a girl realizes she's dating a cheater. But sometimes the reason a relationship ends isn't as clear. That's why I compiled a list of women's dating dealbreakers. Commit any of these crimes, and you'll send her running for the hills before the relationship even begins.

You flirt with her friends.
The only thing worse than checking out another woman in a girl’s presence is hitting on one in her inner circle. Even if it’s playful, it’s a turnoff. Sure, she’ll love that you can hang with her group, but she doesn’t want to wonder if you’d rather be hooking up with her leggy friend. Be nice to her girlfriends—but give her your undivided attention. After all, she wants to know you only have eyes for her.

4 Financial Sins That Ruin Relationships

Hooking up with  another guy might seem like the worst way she can cheat on you. But what if she borrows your credit card and fails to mention it? If you suspect the woman you are with lies about how much she spends, saves, or borrows, it could be ruining your relationship.

In fact, one in three adults who have combined their finances in a current or past relationship admit to committing financial infidelity, reports a recent online survey by the National Endowment for Financial Education. And it turns out this type of cheating has serious consequences—76 percent of respondents reported that financial deception hurt the relationship, 10 percent reported it led to divorce, and 8 percent claimed it led to separation.